Driveway & Pavement

Crack Filling


180 Sealcoating high-quality rubberized crack sealer is heated to a liquid, at 400 degrees, and poured into structural cracks. The hot rubber is then finished by hand and allowed to cool, sealing the crack and protecting it from water penetration and freeze/thaw damage. Our rubber remains pliable in Maine’s cold winter temperatures, resisting splitting and further degradation. There are no viable do-it-yourself options that provides a lasting solution to pavement cracks.

180 Sealcoating

180 Sealcoating & Striping provides seal coating, crack repair, joint repair, power cleaning, line striping, and more asphalt maintenance services throughout Maine. Residential sealcoating (driveway sealing) and black-top maintenance, as well as commercial sealcoating and asphalt repair.


"Fantastic job!"

– Sandy Cox

"Our entry looks clean and professional. Thanks so much!"

– Mike Hall, Hall's Furneral Home

Contact Us

21 Limerock Street, Rockland, Maine
4 Mecon Street, Caribou, Maine
Tel: 207-596-SEAL


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